Montag, 10. Juni 2013

House Tyrell

House Tyrell

ouse Tyrell is one of the Great Houses of Westeros. It rules over the Reach, a vast, fertile, and heavily-populated region of south-western Westeros, from the castle at Highgarden. It is currently led by Lord Mace Tyrell. His heir Loras is a notedtournament knight (and secretly, the lover of Lord Renly Baratheon). Mace's daughter Margaery married Renly when he crowned himself king, to cement the alliance between Renly and her father. Following Renly's death, Margaery has been betrothed to King Joffrey Baratheon, to secure a new royal alliance for House Tyrell.
The Tyrell sigil is a golden rose on a green field. Their motto is,"Growing Strong".


House Baratheon

House Baratheon

House Baratheon is one of the Great Houses of Westeros, although also one of the youngest. It is the current royal house.
House Baratheon's sigil is a black stag on a gold background and their house motto is "Ours is the Fury". When Robert ascended the Iron Throne, a gold crown was added to the stag, denoting their status as the royal house.
The ancestral Baratheon stronghold is Storm's End, but since becoming the royal house they have also taken possession of the old Targaryen island fortress of Dragonstone, whilst the King rules from the city of King's Landing, the capital of the Seven Kingdoms.
When the War of the Five Kings began following King Robert Baratheon's death, House Baratheon became divided into three distinct factions: one led by Robert's alleged son (who is actually the product of an incestuous sexual relationship between Cersei and Jaime Lannister), Joffrey; one led by his younger brother,Stannis; and one led by his youngest brother, Renly.
Note: Joffrey, Myrcella and Tommen are claimed to be the children of King Robert Baratheon, but in reality are born of incest between Queen Cersei and her twin brother, Ser Jaime Lannister. Thus, Stannis is Robert's lawful heir.
House Baratheon
A crowned black stag rampant on a gold field
"Ours is the Fury"
Lords Paramount of the Stormlands
Lord of Storm's End
298 years

House Targaryen

House Targaryen

House Targaryen is one of the former Great Houses of Westerosand the previous ruling royal house of the Seven Kingdoms, beforeHouse Baratheon took the Iron Throne, and the few surviving Targaryens fled into exile. House Targaryen's symbol is a three-headed red dragon on a black background and their motto is "Fire and Blood".


  • King {Aerys II Targaryen}, called "the Mad King" and "King Scab", slain by Ser Jaime Lannister at the end of Robert's Rebellion.
  • His sister-wife Queen {Rhaella}, also of House Targaryen, died in childbirth.
  • Aemon Targaryen, known popularly as "Maester Aemon", the uncle of Aerys II Targaryen, a maester serving atCastle Black. Still alive, despite being almost a hundred years old. As a member of the Night's Watch and the order of Maesters, Aemon renounced his family ties and allegiances and his claim to the Iron Throne decades ago.House Targaryen
    A red three-headed dragon,
    on a black field.
    "Fire and Blood"
    Dragonstone (former)
    King's Landing (former)
    Currently in exile
    (formerly the Crownlands)
    Military strength
    under 100 Dothraki cavalry,
    8,000 Unsullied (heavy infantry),
    2,000 Second Sons (armored mercenary cavalry)
    Cadet branches
    House Blackfyre (extinct)
    Rulers of Dragonstone island since 500 years ago. Unknown amount of time beforehand as a noble family of the Valyrian Freehold.
    Ancestral weapon
    Blackfyre (lost)
    Dark Sister (lost)

Sonntag, 9. Juni 2013

House Greyjoy

House Greyjoy

House Greyjoy is one of the Great Houses of Westeros. It rules over the Iron Islands, a harsh and bleak collection of forbidding islands off the west coast of Westeros, from the castle at Pyke. The head of the house is the Lord Reaper of Pyke.
House Greyjoy's sigil is traditionally a golden kraken on a black field. Their house motto is "We Do Not Sow."


House Lannister

House Lannister

House Lannister of Casterly Rock is one of the Great Houses ofWesteros, one of its richest and most powerful families and oldest dynasties. The major characters JaimeCersei and Tyrion and the recurring characters TywinKevan and Lancel are members of the house. Tywin is the head of House Lannister and Lord of Casterly Rock.
Their lands are in the far west of the continent. Their seat isCasterly Rock, a massive rocky promontory overlooking the Sunset Sea which has had habitations and fortifications built into it over the millennia. They are the Lords Paramount of theWesterlands and Wardens of the West. House Lannister's symbol is a golden lion on a crimson background, and their house motto is"Hear me roar!", which is rarely mentioned. Their unofficial motto, which is as well known as the official one, is "A Lannister always pays his debts" - which is used much more often and mostly in negative context.
The incestuous relationship of Cersei and Jaime has been concealed in a conspiracy. Their son Joffrey Baratheon has claimed the Iron Throne on the premise that he was actually fathered by the late King Robert Baratheon. Lord Tywin is a key supporter of his reign in the War of the Five Kings.
